One Day At A Tim

By Molly Reed

Are you looking at the forest or just one tiny tree?

Big picture is so important. But so are the details right? How are we supposed to recognize whether or not we are obsessing over one tree or thinking so big that our daily dose of detail is not getting enough attention?

Live one day at a time.

We all have dreams. We all crave building things; maybe its building family for you or a friend group, a business or even a school project? Regardless of your medium, you and me, we were created to build things. I think the tough part in that truth is how do we build___? Like build well. This is a question I ask myself more days than not so living in this tension has honestly become part of my normal routine. Part of me wants to say thinking about this question is unfortunate, but today, I feel like its actually becoming more of a blessing. As I sit in the tension of this question, the phrase that continues to resurface, "Try to Live one day at a time, Molly."

But how!!!! That seems, irresponsible, ridiculous or (my worst nightmare), lazy!

Our worlds have gone from too busy to too slow. Covid shifted us from over scheduled to not scheduled at all and now so many of us are feeling completely confused and slightly paralyzed by our new normal. OR new dilemma? Some days we have this big picture moment, while other days we zero in on one tree. Regardless of the day, it feels like getting into a consistent, well balanced rhythm is impossible?

Then I am reminded, "Live one day at a time, Molly."

So why this dilemma? Maybe our old habits are creeping back in? What if our chance to reprioritize didn't totally click? What if that is the problem? Its like we were given the chance to start over, start fresh and live a in a whole new way but our old ways still seem to chase us down...

Maybe we were never created to be that scheduled. SO busy we can't spend quality time with our family. So busy we don't take care of our mental health. Sooo busy we can't be a good friend to our good friend.

I love the quote "Can't you see the forest from the trees"? I think its a healthy question to ask ourselves, daily. Everyday we awake to a new sunrise with new issues and new problems or joys to experiences. Isn't one day, enough to try and tackle? Maybe this quote isn't so bad if we wrestle with it honestly, one day at a time! Maybe we reinterpret this quote: our forest(our life), our trees (details building) are many, many days and thus we build new roots, water a new area, one day at a time. The point is not to ignore the forest or the trees but rather look at both, just one day at a time? The dream, then, the idea or whatever it is we are after will grow into a beautiful, green its right time. One day at a time!
Lots of love,
