Are You Listening...

Grab your cup of tea and or coffee, slip into your cozy socks and curl up in your favorite chair. I hope today has met you with some sunshine. Whether it was an unexpected wave from a neighbor or an open parking spot, a new friend or the fact you showered and put on a real outfit. This season feels to me like we all need extra encouragement and a whole lot of honesty. Honesty, realness, motivation...and a large cup of encouragement.

There is too much junk filtering into our lives every single day. Too much! And the truth is we all need to admit this. Admission first. And then second we need to hold ourselves accountable for what junk we are allowing to seep into the inner, sacred part of our hearts. This junk effects us whether we are aware of it or not. So then we need to notice how it has effected us and intentionally remove the trash (by forgiving, reflecting, making new choices etc.). That will allow us to see things in a fresh way; the meaningful, honest and good things we all have flowing in and out of our everyday but tend to miss. Sadly I think a lot of this "junk" has cost too many of us, good relationships. Too many relationships have been held hostage because of this junk. Ruined. Crushed. My goal this season and moving into 2023 is to celebrate and rethink how I handle my relationships!

A little reality check: We are not always going to agree with every person placed in our life. That doesn't mean we get rid of them? What if they are there for a real purpose we just can't see it? Part of the beauty in life is discovering new ways of doing things and seeing things. We have to learn how to listen to people. We have to really work at listening to people, today. The majority of us just want to say what we think, without really caring what the other person has to say. Isn't that sad? Sharing of ideas, experiences and perspectives, I believe, is the force that propels a healthy society. Most of the people in your life do not want to harm you or offend you, they just experienced life differently than you! Maybe let them explain...

As I look back on the building of Waverly and think about all the amazing women I have met along the way, the diversity is astounding! I am not saying we should say yes to every person we meet or necessarily agree with them! But we do owe our relationships the respect of listening. And how much we miss out on when we don't take the time to put our ego on the shelf, and sit with someone and really listen to them? I think the key in "keeping it real" depends on listening to others, first.

People motivate me. Which is why I must practice listening. I can't really have one without the other. With that in mind, this holiday season, I am determined to talk less and listen more. I used to drive my brother crazy because I am always the one sucking the oxygen out of the room, running my mouth. He used to call me "motor mouth"! How lovely right? As I brainstorm and sit with 2023, all I can think about is that over the course of my young adult life (12 years ish) I can't help but look at my table of people and feel, in awe. Waverly has this beautiful tapestry of women weaved together so intentionally and my goal is to revisit those women, listen to them and allow them to motivate me and Waverly into our future plans! I think we all can do this. If today feels heavy or discouraging, sit and reflect on your people. Think about who you can call or catch up with over coffee? Who is that one friend that always listens to you but maybe its time to listen to them? I believe the more we listen to one another, without an agenda or wanting to be right or to sound smarter or take offence, the MORE we enjoy life.

Honestly, this time of year can feel overrun with people! Instead of saying yes to a ton of holiday parties or events full of distant people, maybe say yes to a few close friends that will help prepare you for this next year?

Homework: Say no to one thing you know you need to and reach out to one friend you know you need to! May that friendship be the beginning of many more fueling your inner beautiful self for 2023! May 2023 usher in all of us a larger does of enjoying one another!
