Letting go of culture and holding onto him.

Dear Daughters <3

I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely 4th and are finding the rhythms of summer to be slower, hopeful and refreshing. These last few months have been busy, exciting and lots of new! New in many senses but as it pertains to The Waverly Project, we are committed to a new voice, many years in the making.

In the past I have placed my faith and politics some what on a shelf as my goal is first to respect our readers difference of opinion and always lead with a hopeful take on life’s ups and downs. I do however carry very strong convictions. Convictions that are at the heart of The Waverly Project, and the reason for me leaving behind my fashion career and charging this territory, challenging me for over a decade now. I would be lying if I said this road has been easy. The spirit of discouragement consumes me at times with an overwhelming feeling of giving up more than I would like to admit. Yet, Gods gentle whisper meets me in those moments and reminds me of why this mission matters so much. Its so much more than inspiring girls through creativity. Its so much more than fellowship and mentoring. Waverly’s roots are deeply spiritual and represent Gods heart and vision for girls and women. I am not one to float with the tide and now, I see why God made me that way! My rebellion is not just about refusing to wear trendy clothes or totally ignore pop music and pretend that TIKTOK doesn’t exist. Its matured into a desire to stand up for my convictions. To stand up for girls and women in this hour who feel silenced and hopeless. Just as I refuse to let trendy things dictate my style, I will not allow our culture to influence Waverly’s wholesome and feminine messaging. Instead, I will use this space to carry Gods torch and communicate who he says girls are, who he says women are and why we were created to reflect not only his beauty but his heart. It is a sacred call and one that I will champion for the rest of my life.

Girl Class reminds girls of who God says they are; creators, valued, loved and individually amazing. Girl Class reminds girls that God does not make mistakes and his purposes for them are real and eternal. Waverly is a space to meditate on his words and why his laws are for our best! His laws are not to condemn us but to refine us, restore us and reflect his goodness! The highest calling for each one of us. This is not about choosing a political side, its about choosing Gods side. I am a cheerleader for moms and women and will continue to encourage girls to guard their hearts, respect their bodies and honor God in all they do and say. That is my calling, and I am finally wholeheartedly stepping into that calling.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8

The Waverly Project has and always will be to promote strong values and provide creative, mentorship programming along with space for multi-generational mentoring opportunities. We will get behind organizations that share similar perspectives on women, girls and family-life and we look forward to more new. A new wave providing encouragement, honesty, hope and beauty for all of Gods daughters.

