MY WHAT part I

What do I want to do with my life?” The million dollar question, right? The question that started swirling around in my head the beginning of my sophomore year of college and hasn’t stopped. For those of you who are new here - I would like to reintroduce myself and the story that led me to my what, creating The Waverly Project.

My name is Molly. I am strong willed, a bit abrasive at times, contemplative at times, creative and very much dedicated to my family. I love God, I love this wonderful country and I love connecting with girls and women advancing community and beauty and creativity. In 2012 I left my dream job in fashion, working my way up the Ralph Lauren corporate ladder. What was I thinking? 25 years old with zero job prospects living in a not so affordable apt. in NYC with obviously no savings, no bf, just bar tabs and parking tickets. I was following a “feeling” that, at the time, seemed insane to everyone in my life. But I couldn’t explain it. I had this conviction and it wasn’t going away. The day I called my RL boss was the day I accepted Gods calling on my life, it was the day I stepped into my what and it was the first time in my life I felt complete peace.

Ever since I can remember my “what” was fashion. I came up with my own concept of a women’s golf line when I was 14 and after getting a like from my dad, I knew my what. Fast forward post college and two years into my dream job and something felt off. I felt kind of like a fraud. The best way I can describe it: this deep sense that I was not living out the story God had planned for me and I felt awful and anxious. And anyone who knows me knows that when something isn’t working or its time to move on, I move on. So without a plan, left RL and decided to pursue this very intangible feeling that morphed into a concept after hours day-dreaming over coffee and sunsets. The Waverly Project, a creative space for girls that was fresh and new. A mission to rebuild culture for girls and women that was real and life giving. I was craving real friendship. I was craving honest advice. I deeply wanted a community around me that reflected the music singing in my soul and I couldn’t find it. I went down every west village street to look, every fun night out, every corporate setting, and it wasn’t there. It was time to pursue new streets and so that’s what I did.

In 2012, God led me to Steamboat Road in Greenwich, CT on one sunny fall day. I landed at my dear family friends house, two suitcases in hand, stepping off a train and into my new adventure. I would stay there for the remainder of 6 months.

Building real relationships is one of my greatest joys in life. And stepping off that train and into this town, was the beginning of me falling in love with people, Gods goodness and the reality that you can make something out of nothing.

There are several doors that led me to where I am now. Some doors led to sleepless nights feeling like I wanted to give up. Many weeks and months I didn’t know what I was doing or if I would ever see my dream blossom. But the one thing that kept me hanging on was my steadfast, ever evolving relationship with God. On the nights I wanted to give up. On the days I felt worthless and discouraged, he whispered into my soul, “Darling, the best is yet to come.”

My hearts deepest desire is for girls and women to feel beautiful, connected and inspired to step into their calling. I try and see the world from a heavenly perspective. Full of light and gardens and beauty and laughter. A perspective that builds things together and dreams together. A future for girls and women where femininity is wholesome and original to every girl. I want to reclaim what Gods plan has been for us all along: unified, confident, loved and fearless in our own skin. I have this sense that the best is yet to come for all of us. A call back to pursuing family with confidence and integrity. Lets unite under values that strengthen our community and our hearts and our work. May we have the boldness to reject what is confusing our feminine spirit and power. May we stand together and lead by example, together, embracing who we are, who God made us to be, loving well and hard and fiercely.

I know we all live on different streets. We all carry different dreams and hold unique stories in our hands. But that’s the magic! That is your what. And my what is to continue to build a place for girls to discover their what. For women to find community for their girls that champions character and creativity and bold thinking! The best is yet to come. We have come along way and to me, the brave, faithful, happy, grateful girl is it. That leads to a girl finding her what.
