Part II, YOU

When my team and I begin developing new initiates or discuss dreams we have for TWP, we always answer three questions:

Our What.

Our Who.

Our Why.

Today, I want to share with you my number one, Who. My number one who is you, girl. Here to remind you, early and often, you were made on purpose. For a purpose. You were made to discover all the waves and storm clouds, sunrises and secret gardens that makeup everyday life. Here to say its ok that you don’t always get it right because in your heart, you carry with you this little light hoping to make that wrong a right. And that light leads you along your path, and whispers, “Go this way, darling, just wait and see.”

I want to help ignite - your light.

My heavenly father, my light, has illuminated my path forward for the last decade of life. He has mercifully taken my hand when I lost my way, woke up angry, confused and broken. He has walked me, step by step, from a dry wasteland to a sunny, healthy, thriving  meadow.

He wants the same things for you, too.

And as his heart has overflowed into mine, a beautiful and good picture revealed itself. A picture that includes deep friendship for his girls. Thriving family life that celebrates commitment and champions sacrifice. Girls seeking thoughtful work that builds community, faith and real relationship that supports circles outside her own.

I know his heart for us girls includes everything that is good in this world; healthy happy hearts, Holy illuminating souls and bubbling minds making even the mundane moments, rare treasure. My passion and my seeking all things good overflows from the heart of God and it is in that overflow the development of The Waverly Project has come about. For you. For girls to experience the simple and profound ways he wired our imagination and our ability to connect with the world around us. My Who is you, and your besties and your grams and her sister. Individually you are amazing but collectively, we are extraordinary. And I believe that God desires for us to experience the extraordinary. SO here is to igniting our light and creating amazing moments for extraordinary people like you.

x Molly