How To Be A Go(o)d Friend

Tenney, my amazing friend and a fearless Waverly Leader says, “At TWP, we focus on building all things good in this world.” We are committed to showing girls a different way. A kind way. A gracious and good way producing God-like relationships, community and environments illuminating girls hearts and minds.

As we enter this holiday season, I am going to propose a few concepts connected to our everyday life that can change our peace and joy meter. Lets start with the most familiar concept, friendship. I want to commit to being a Go(o)d friend.  A God-like friend. Here are 6 ways we can practice, daily, being a God-like - Go(o)d friend:

Listen. Personally, I am so conditioned to share my opinions, interject and think I know what’s best. The truth is only God really knows what’s best. When we quiet our spirit, and allow for the other person to speak we also make room in our own hearts to hear God and how he might feel about a given situation. This process might usher in some wisdom and God-like insight that is way more effective than my QUICK response.  

Serve. I think one of the most “God-like” things we can do on a regular basis is to choose to serve others. When you don’t think you have time. When it feels like too much or not something you want to do but you know it would help, do it anyway. Serving others transforms our hearts to look and touch others the way Jesus does. Its powerful, its God-like and blesses not only the person you’re serving, but it ends up blessing you too.

Encourage. In a world bombarded with bad news. Heaviness and confusion, be intentional with your words. Words give life. Words have the power to turn someone’s entire life around.  Today and the next, be intentional with your words. Encouragement infuses the heart with the Love of Jesus and turns an OK situation into a Go(o)d one!

Cheer for your friends. I want you to know how much God loves you. Allow that truth to sink in and transform how you cheer for your friends. This type of self confidence is contagious and may this spirit be the bed rock and foundation of Waverly Girls and women!

Compliment. You know the saying “To face your fear you must confront it?” When we have feelings of jealousy or lack confidence, speak life, and compliments into your friends! Its supernatural. The spirit of these words will sink deep into your own heart and supernaturally transform how you see yourself and your friends! God created you on purpose. Everything about you is special! Knowing this, try and point out the things that are special about your girlfriends and the more you do that the more you will sense how much God loves you.

Pray for your friends. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have on this side of heaven. If you want dynamics to change, pray about them. If your friend is having a hard time, pray for her. If someone is bothering you, pray for them! Prayer not only develops are relationship with God, it transforms our world.

Being a “God-Like & Go(o)d friend has the ability to shift culture. We could debate for days how crazy this world is and how it feels imposable to navigate but I think the most effective way to handle all of it? Start by being intentional and God-like with your relationships. And the most beautiful part is the more we work on building Go(o)d, God-like relationships, the more we build the most important one, our relationship with God himself.

Cheering for you!
