
As I sit with my laptop and listen to the rain drops hitting my roof and the wind swirling and dancing with the trees outside, I pause. I notice the sky is a clay color and I notice how animated the palm trees are when its windy! Isn’t nature the sweetest teacher? I can’t help but think about Gods creativity; how he designed the wind and the trees and the gray, clay like skies to work together, providing a break from the sun. To slow things down. To water. To pause, to rest. And to remind us to do the same.

May today be the day you open yourself up to the art of pausing. May today be the day that you notice, more. The cooling of the air. A bird sitting outside your window, singing! A cozy smell coming from the kitchen or a text from a good friend. Gifts that cost nothing. And I think we find these gifts, this treasure when we pause. It’s in the slow moments we are able to experience Gods presence and notice how he might be communicating with us.

May you pause to think about this season of giving in a new way. Embrace this sacred idea of setting aside time, everyday, to be still. To make space for the treasure that God, in his goodness, wants to share with you. Reminding you that you’re enough. Impressing on your heart that you are his and you are called by name and your life has a purpose. He wants to Infuse you with peace and strength and grace and guidance. It is in the stillness, in the pausing you can sense, “here this way.”

How much more polite and joyful would we be if the art of pausing superseded the need to try and manage our emotions and everyday life on our own?

And as we pause, that stillness opens us up to prayer. And that posture of openness allows our heart, our mind and body to release control and accept, in that moment whatever God has for us.

Pausing is powerful. Pausing as a habit restores a restless spirit to peace. And invites a racing mind to rest as his presence replaces the negative loops and routines. If you feel your calendar filing up or life running away from you, pause. Don’t resist it, lean into it. You will be shocked to find unexpected treasure, I promise you. And may this Christmas season usher in a peaceful and joyful spirit knowing that God is infusing you with all you need to do the next best thing.

May this Christmas Season bring you unexpected treasure!

